All claims must be authorized prior to repair or replacement of any parts. The customer or dealership should contact the claims department as soon as a failure has been identified in order to avoid further damage.
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03. How can I find the status of an existing claim?
Contact our office toll free at 877-222-4162, option 2 for Claims, then Option 1.
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02. How can I start a claim?
We encourage customers to go to the issuing dealer if they are in the vicinity, otherwise they can go to any repair facility that is licensed for retail business. Have the repair facility contact our office. Toll free at 877-222-4162.
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01. How can I cancel my contract and check the status?
Communications regarding a request to cancel is done through the dealership where you purchased your vehicle, they will request the cancellation for you. If they are out of business, you can contact our office for assistance at 877-222-4162 Option 3.
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